Here are some lists and ideas to go along with my Youtube video: If Christmas Makes You Sad You Are Not Alone. I am including lists of some of things that keep me keeping on during times when the blues hang on and don’t want to let go.


David Sedaris. He is one of the greatest living comic writers and his books are like instant sanity restorers. I love everything I have read and regularly give copies of his books to others but this year I read Theft by Finding, extracts from his diaries, and was enchanted all over again.

I can re-read PG Wodehouse endlessly. Your library will certainly have some of his pieces and his Jeeves and Wooster stories are timeless.

So many but I do have a few go-to movies that I watch if I need some serious mood adjustment.

  • GalaxyQuest
  • Babette’s Feast
  • Hot Fuzz
  • The World’s End
  • Paddington 2
  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • Babe

Here is my new playlist on Youtube full of funny stuff and old movies, real comfort watching.

Finally, Lois @TheEccentricAunt on Instagram has shared some of her journal pages where she writes about her encounters with emotions during the holiday season. Check out her feed to see more.