In my latest junk journal, I included hand-written prompts throughout to stimulate reflection and creative data-mining of the soul. Below is a list of those prompts plus a few more. Feel free to cut and paste and borrow at will. (To see the journal in my shop, go to:
(The only thing that I ask is that if you use these in a post or item to sell, that you credit me, please.)
What are five things that
I would like to learn?
Choose one. Now pretend you nailed it.
Look at how you began, backwards. You are
here, how did you get here, what was
your first babystep? Now take that step.
What are some quotes that are meaningful
to you? Write one and illustrate it. If you
don’t draw, make a collage from photos
in a magazine.
What is the best decision I ever made?
What are you really good at? Quick, what
was the first thing that came to your mind?
Write it down and write about it.
Your goddess. Describe her in five words.
Illustrate or collage what she is like.
Name five role models or people I admire.
How can I be more like them?
What is my favourite thing to wear for
dressing up? For comfort? Draw or
collage them.
Which one makes me feel more
like myself?
What are I irrationally afraid of?
What, in your heart, should you be
doing. Quick, it crossed your mind in
a flash.
What eight people from history or
literature would I invite to dinner?
What are the things that distract you the most?
What would you have to do to die
with the right regrets?
What are five ways I can show myself respect?
What stops me from doing it?
What new foods or recipes do I want to try?
Write down or draw the ingredients, or
find out where you try it.
Name three things I would do if
I was really brave.
What three things would I do
if I was bold? Are these three things
the same or different than with
What keeps you from doing it? Can
you babystep out of one of them
backwards? Then another?
In what way is my life a work in progress?
What are five things that you
cannot do without?
What are you worried about?
Cross one thing off the list.
Be ruthless.
If you knew nothing else in this
world, what would be the one
thing you are sure of?
I dare myself to…
What is the thing that
I am most passionate about?
What advice would you
give your younger self?
Are you proud of who you are?
What’s the next step you’ve been thinking about taking, for far too long?
What kind of drama do you sometimes get caught up in? What can you do to rise above it?
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